Friday, February 20, 2009

How to Treat Depression and Be Happy

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How to Treat Depression and Be Happy

by Meraljane Paras
Depression can lead to more problems like unhappy marriage or family, health problems, unable to function and work,unhealthy behavior- worst scenario is suicide. It is vital to intervene with depression as early as possible. Here are some ways to help you with your depression.
Difficulty: Challenging
Things You'll Need
stress management technique
Step One
Acknowledge your feelings and figure out where the depression is coming from. Is it death,sickness,loss of job,or financial crisis. With this crisis in life it's ok to feel sad, but its not ok to stay sad.You need to treat depression.
Step Two
Although the ultimate cure for depression is to solve the cause, sometimes it is not possible. If eliminating the problem is not the answer to treat depression, figure out a way to take a break from what is bothering you. Find some stress management technique. Give your self a time out, and refresh your mind. Unclear mind is not going to solve anything. Go on vacation, visit a friend, do something you like and have fun.
Step Three
Take care of yourself. Eat, sleep,exercise, relax and pamper yourself. Do what ever it takes to start feeling good about your self. For once forget about your problem. Deal with it later. Depression is your biggest problem. Get rid of it.
Step Four
Do not deal the problem by yourself. Get your family and friend involve. Get some help. Voice it out and take it out of your system. Scream if you must.
Step Five
Deal with the problem. If you cannot eliminate or solve the problem, find a way how to live with it. Remember this good news, "THERE IS ALWAYS AN ANSWER FOR EVERYTHING!". Remember how you have a problem before and you thought it was the end? Look at how far you have come. You will passed this stage of your life, you just need to hang in there.
Step Six
Still unable to cope with depression? See a therapist.Get professional help. For more info visit Suicide Hot line: 1-800-SUICIDE (1-800-784-2433) Life Line: 1-800-273-8255 Depression Hot line: 630-482-9696 There should be more organization who help with depression. Research them.
Tips & Warnings
treat depression before it gets worse.
Depression is associated with suicide so don't let it ruin somebody's life
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