Friday, February 20, 2009

How to Save Money Wth Gas

With the recession and price of gas going up, we all need to think of ways how to cut the bills and save some gas. Here are some few tips to save money on gas.Please come back again. I will update this article with more information
Difficulty: Moderately Easy
Step One
Work closer at home if possible. It will be better if your work is just walking distance. You save some money by not using gas, and save money for gym membership. And you will even benefit by loosing weight.
Step Two
Carpool.The Goverment or employers usually give incentives for carpooling.Or you can take the bus.
Step Three
Minimize traveling and walk if you can. Instead of going out, try to find ways to have fun at home.
Step Four
Use credit card that pays back with cash or gas coupons.
Step Five
I just recently found out, you can actually use your comps from Pechangga casino towards your gas. May not be the best way, but if its free why not, might lessen the damage.
Step Six
Try do grocery shopping once a month or twice a week. A penny save is a penny earned.
Step Seven
Research online who has the cheapest gas. Get full tank so you can save time and gas by lesser trip to gas station.
Step Eight
Use smaller vehicle and unload unnecessary things in your trunk.
Step Nine
Minimize use of air conditioner
Tips & Warnings
more tips to come. Please come back again.

How to be Successful in Life

How to be Successful in Life

by Meraljane Paras
This is just a little guide to find your own answer to your question how to be successful in life.From careers, to school, to your personal life.
Difficulty: Easy
Step One
Think about those times you failed and reflect what causes it.Think hard! What do you think went wrong about your school, your friends,your family, even your crafts, your projects, your sports, money, credit cards, your bills, your career, anything. Write it down and see if you are making the same pattern. Do you remember why you got B- in class instead of A+? Do you remember saying "I knew I should have done that?" Remember saying "I should have done it better?" Search for an answer. It might be the solution.
Step Two
Now think about your past achievements and reflect how you accomplished it. What did you do to excel in class, why are you the best among your friends and classmates? Do you remember being praised? Do you remember solving a problem, Do you remember saying I was right! try to think about those days that you feel great about your self. You probably did something right to achieve something. It can't be all pure luck. It must be you! Are you still applying the same principles in your life? Try to remember what you did. You never know, it may actually help you again this time.
Step Three
Do you realized from the past that giving your 100% best helped you achieve something. I know, others might say but I did give my 100% best. Well maybe you tried,but it might not be your 100% best.
Step Four
Do you think there is something else that can be improve about you? Ah maybe that is the answer.Of course God has something to do with our success but dont you think you need to show him you deserve it?
Step Five
Do you believe you can be successful? Yes that is the answer. If you believe you can be successful, then there should be nothing to stop you but YOU.
Member Comments

by NightowlMama on 2/11/2009
Believe in your self great tips. thanks
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How to Treat Depression and Be Happy

How To Do Just About Everything
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How to Treat Depression and Be Happy

by Meraljane Paras
Depression can lead to more problems like unhappy marriage or family, health problems, unable to function and work,unhealthy behavior- worst scenario is suicide. It is vital to intervene with depression as early as possible. Here are some ways to help you with your depression.
Difficulty: Challenging
Things You'll Need
stress management technique
Step One
Acknowledge your feelings and figure out where the depression is coming from. Is it death,sickness,loss of job,or financial crisis. With this crisis in life it's ok to feel sad, but its not ok to stay sad.You need to treat depression.
Step Two
Although the ultimate cure for depression is to solve the cause, sometimes it is not possible. If eliminating the problem is not the answer to treat depression, figure out a way to take a break from what is bothering you. Find some stress management technique. Give your self a time out, and refresh your mind. Unclear mind is not going to solve anything. Go on vacation, visit a friend, do something you like and have fun.
Step Three
Take care of yourself. Eat, sleep,exercise, relax and pamper yourself. Do what ever it takes to start feeling good about your self. For once forget about your problem. Deal with it later. Depression is your biggest problem. Get rid of it.
Step Four
Do not deal the problem by yourself. Get your family and friend involve. Get some help. Voice it out and take it out of your system. Scream if you must.
Step Five
Deal with the problem. If you cannot eliminate or solve the problem, find a way how to live with it. Remember this good news, "THERE IS ALWAYS AN ANSWER FOR EVERYTHING!". Remember how you have a problem before and you thought it was the end? Look at how far you have come. You will passed this stage of your life, you just need to hang in there.
Step Six
Still unable to cope with depression? See a therapist.Get professional help. For more info visit Suicide Hot line: 1-800-SUICIDE (1-800-784-2433) Life Line: 1-800-273-8255 Depression Hot line: 630-482-9696 There should be more organization who help with depression. Research them.
Tips & Warnings
treat depression before it gets worse.
Depression is associated with suicide so don't let it ruin somebody's life
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How to Search for The Golden Article

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How to Search for The Golden Article

by Meraljane Paras
This article is written in search of a Golden article for my blog. What does GOLDEN article means. It means an article that will generate more money regardless of the number of views. Here are the few things that I think will make a Golden Article. You can leave a comment and let me know what are your ideas about a golden article.
Difficulty: Moderately Challenging
Step One
Find Keywords that are priced high by advertiser. Even if you received only few clicks on your ads you can generate more income by a single click.
Step Two
Find an article that talks about something expensive. The advertiser might be willing to pay more for a reason that they generate good income for every customers we bring to them.
Step Three
Find an article that no one else has written yet or atleast only few people have written about it. It should be something that can make you on the top search engine.
Step Four
Post at ehow. I noticed that some of my articles make it to top few pages of the search engine without trying hard. Surprisingly some of my articles are the first thing to come up at google, yahoo and msn. If I am not number one, another ehow article must have beaten me. Search engines must really love ehow articles.
Step Five
Here is what I figured out. Once your article make it on the first few pages of the search engine try to research how to optimize earnings by adding expensive keywords.
Step Six
Find a way for readers to click the ads. It should be a topic where people will be interested about the ads placed on your article.
Tips & Warnings
Come back again Im still trying to analyze GOLDEN article. Will update for more information. Please leave a comment if you have an idea how to write a Golden article. An article that will generate more income.
This article is not a golden article but definetely worth writing. It has valuable information for you and me to find the golden article.
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Member Comments

by DianeD on 2/14/2009
keywords are everything.
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How to Choose What Course to Take for College

How To Do Just About Everything
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How to Choose What Course to Take for College

by Meraljane Paras
Choosing the right career is something that you need to carefully think about. It is something you will do for the rest of your working years so you need to make a careful decision. Your future depends on what career you choose so choose wisely. Here are some few guidelines to aid you with your decision.
Difficulty: Moderately Challenging
Step One
Think what are the things that you are good at and list them down. Are you good in music, english or math. Are you a great leader,are you good at arts or writing? if you cant find something you are good at, don't worry just list anything you ordinary do like do you write poems, do you dance do you know how to cook?
Step Two
Now think about something you love to do. Something you enjoy doing even if you are not good at it. There are training available so don't worry if you haven't developed your skills yet. That is what college is for-to train you.
Step Three
Now think of what you are willing to do for the rest of your career life. It is going to be a 5 days job for most careers, so you dont want to end up getting stuck doing what you hate.
Step Four
Now before making your final decision, look for classified ads and research about what kind of jobs you can have. This is important. You need to make sure that once you are done in school you are sure that there will be job available for you. With The recession going right now, finding a job is not easy.
Step Five
Not done yet. Research how much salary they offer for the career that interest you, and think if that is something you can live with.
Step Six
Still confuse what college course to take? Talk to a counselor. There are also test you can take to determine what kind of career is best for you. But at the end it should still be you who is suppose to make the decision.
Tips & Warnings
Goodluck to your college life.
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How to Raise Your Child a Genius

How To Do Just About Everything
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by Meraljane Paras
It doesn't take a Genius to know how to raise a child how to become one. I am not going to misled you that I have a secret formula raising a child to become a genius. You all know the answer. I just simply want to encourage all the parents to optimize a child capabilities to learn. We all want our children to grow up bright.
Difficulty: Challenging
Step One
Early education is vital to raising your child a Genius. Our brain is like an unfilled disc. Load it up with tons of information and you will have a great quantity of knowledge store in your brain.The earlier you train your child, the more knowledge a child can learn.
Step Two
Learning should be fun. Do not sacrifice play time to make your child a genius. Use children books, children educational toys, puzzle, developmental toys pick the appropriate age toy for them and use these to augment their skills. Take advantage of technology and latest development. There are great tools that can help learning become easier.
Step Three
Take them to museum, involve them with field trips and school activities and let them experience various things in life. The more experience they have, the more things they see and perceive, the more knowledge will store in their memories.
Step Four
Repitition also plays a role to improving one’s intellectual skill or any other skill. You will have more chance of remembering things by constant repetition.Practice makes perfect.
Step Five
Allow a child to solve simple problems. It will help their capability to solve complex problem in the long run.
Step Six
Let them be aware what is going on around their world including current events and explain to them what they don’t understand. They don’t need to know everything but a slight idea with simple explanation will help.
Step Seven
Watching TV and using the computer can help enhance one’s intellectual skill but make sure to give enough parental supervision.
Step Eight
Praise your child and let them know you have faith in them. It will boost their self-confidence and will trust their selves that they are capable of doing anything.
Step Nine
Do not limit a child’s opportunity to grow. Let them explore, and support them with their activities. Make learning fun for them so they can develop an initiative to learn more.
Step Ten
Proper nutrition, plenty of sleep and good health are important.
Tips & Warnings
There is no exact science to make a child a genius. The best thing we can do is optimize a child's capability to learn and who knows one of them may actually end up being a genius. A sign of genius may not show up early in childhood but may develop later in life.
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Member Comments

by Kalla on 2/16/2009
Thank you, great!***** and recommended. We can never do enough to help them be who they are!Kalla

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How to Deal with Financial Crisis

How To Do Just About Everything
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How to Deal with Financial Crisis

by Meraljane Paras
Financial crisis can be felt everywhere, even America was not spared. Stores and bank closing down, plenty of homes are on foreclosures. Refinance home mortgage has been difficult if not impossible to achieve. Student loan consolidation information and credit card consolidation are rare. If you find one, chances are you cannot be approved. The worst part is, there are no jobs available and you can hear left and right lay off everywhere. It seems like there is no where you can turn into for financial help. Here are few ways to help you survive the economic tragedy
Difficulty: Challenging
Step One
Refinance Home mortgage. Try to find a good deal to lower your monthly payment and consolidate loans. Look around for Student loan consolidation and consolidate debts. There are still few that are still willing to take the risk.
Step Two
Get a second job or find another source of extra income. do garage sale, bake some cake, sell some crafts, sell old jewelry, join ehow and other money making ideas online. Be creative and find some ways to earn more cash.
Step Three
Save, save , save. Do all kinds of savings you can imagine, from electricity, gas, and food if possible do not spend for nonsense things. We don’t know how long this recession is going to be so we need to be well prepared.
Step Four
Cut your credit cards if you can but if credit cards are really needed look for a low interest credit card. Hopefully there are still 0% interest credit cards available now a day. Live within your means. Spend only what you have and only when you need to.
Step Five
Ask family, relatives and friends for financial help. Just make sure to pay them back so you can borrow again next time if faced with another financial crisis.
Step Six
Let’s help one another and find a way how to resolve this crisis. President Obama is only just one person. We need to Help him solve this economic tragedy.
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How to Deal With Break Ups

How to Deal With Break Ups

by Meraljane Paras
All of a sudden everything just stops moving. All you can hear is your heart beating fast. You can feel a throbbing pain in your chest. It seems like everything falling a part and the world is about to end. Now that the wonderful relationship that you thought going to last has ended, what is next.
Difficulty: Moderately Challenging
Step One
It’s ok to cry the first one or two days of the break up. Loosing someone is a painful experience, especially if it is someone you loved so much. Its ok to be sad but don't let emotional stress lead to depression.
Step Two
After you have let your emotion come out, the best way to deal a break up is to accept that it has come to an end. The earlier you accept the fact that it’s over the earlier you can move on and start a new life.
Step Three
Be optimistic. Be grateful for the past relationship but take this opportunity to think that a new window has opened for you. Everything happens for a reason, so be excited and see what is waiting for you in the future. Maybe it will be a better life. A better relationship, a chance to focus to your self or more time to focus about your self.
Step Four
Meet new people, don’t get stuck with your past. Move on and try to be happy. The world doesn't revolve to one person.
Step Five
A few days or months or year from today you will realize that the pain was not that bad after all. You will probably just laugh about it and wonder why you have been so hard to your self.
Tips & Warnings
The good thing about life is when problems come they also go away. So let time heal the wound.

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How to Design Your Own Kitchen Cabinets

by Meraljane Paras

kitchen pictures
Here are some tips for designing your own kitchen cabinet. Based from my experience from the kitchen we built for our house.
Difficulty: Moderately Challenging
Things You'll Need
Home renovation magazines
Step One
Click to enlargeFirst measure your kitchen. You can either measure it yourself or ask a contractor to measure it for you. At the beginning you don’t need an exact measurement.
Step Two
Click to enlargeGet inspirational designs from catalogs, kitchen show case, kitchen stores, watch home improvement shows or go to HGTV.COM and take a note what you want to be included in your kitchen. You can either have custom closets, pick your own design, or just do kitchen refacing,or choose from different kitchen cabinet displays available. It is cheaper to pick a stock kitchen cabinet because it is produce in large quantity.
Step Three
Think about who is going to use the kitchen, how many will cook at the same time, and how you are going to use the kitchen,and do you have a special kitchen cabinet needs you want to be included in your design.
Step Four
Click to enlargeThink about your kitchen equipment and how you want to store it. Consider the location, space and function. Make sure you have enough storage, especially for the big and bulky kitchen gadgets.
Step Five
Click to enlargeCreate a sketch of where you want to position your major appliances, the stove, the refrigerator, the sink and the microwave. Ikea has a tool that will help you design your cabinet
Step Six
Click to enlargeBase on your cooking style, lay out what type of kitchen cabinet you want to use. Imagine how you will store your pantry, your plates and all kitchen equipment. Considering these factors will guide you how to lay out your cabinets. Also think of ways which will help you find and store things easily. You can choose to have a lazy Suzan, pull out cabinets, spice racks, cleaning supplies storage, and big open pantry cabinets.
Step Seven
The Kitchen is something we use everyday so make sure you use durable materials and handle for your kitchen cabinet. I prefer a knob cabinet handle rather than the traditional one because there is less contact with the kitchen cabinet and leaves less finger marks on the cabinet. In terms of color, consider that kitchen can get worn and get dirty easily due to heavy use.
Step Eight
Click to enlargeDiscuss your design with your kitchen contractor, shop for cheap materials, consider your budget, make necessary adjustment and start building your kitchen cabinet.

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How to Teach Creativity to your Children

Would you like your children to become a famous artist, a good painter, a fashion designer, work on a creative management field or innovation management field or maybe just to make sure your children has a good balance of skills. Let’s teach your child some creativity.
Difficulty: Easy
Things You'll Need
craft supplies
craft videos
craft books

Step One
Creativity training is something fun to do. Give your child a gift that will lure their imagination to work like crayons, legos, paint, clay, pens, craft supplies, children toys, educational supplies or any creativity tools. Sometimes children tend to make a mess and write everywhere. Guide them where they should draw and teach them to clean the mess or designate a place to make a clutter but never tell them to stop. Let their wild imagination come out and develop creativity and innovation.

Step Two
Provide educational books, videos, magazines or send them to a creativity training class to get full support to build up their talent.

Step Three
Play also has a big role to entice creativity and imagination. Allow play time as much as possible. Let them be physically active and let the little brain start working.

Step Four
Praise your child, acknowlege a good work, reward for a wonderful creations and keep their self esteem high.

Step Five
Display their most wonderful creations, show them to friends and relatives and let them be proud of their achievements.

Step Six
Host a game, join a contest, let them be competitive and liven up their creative imagination to win a game.

Tips & Warnings
Creativity can be very useful in life. A person’s career, decision making and other aspect of life can be based to one’s creativty so it will be very beneficial to develop this skill in the early stage of life.

How to Ace Your Test

Are you in grade school, middle school, high school or maybe even in college? Read this and ace your test. Have you wonder how to get a perfect score or be the highest on your test? Do you wonder how come you are always getting the lowest score on the test and how come your classmate has no problem with the test? Do you want to improve your grades and get A+ all the time? Do you want to improve your chances of going to a better colleges or universities? There is no secret formula to ace the test. You don’t need to drink medicine to become smart. You are the answer to your question. A good test preparation is the only solution to get a perfect score.

Difficulty: Challenging
Things You'll Need


Step One
The answer is to study. Whether it is english class, literature, math,or science, study before lecture day so you have an idea what the topic is all about. It will give you an opportunity to clarify concepts during lecture day. You will also understand the lecture better if you have a slight idea about the topic for today.

Step Two
Browse the book again after the discussion to refresh what the teacher has discussed during lecture time. Make sure you understand all the concepts that were discussed today, if not, read the book again or ask clarification the next day. It will help you retain some information and studying for the test will be easier. A good tip for studying is study like you will never open the book again.

Step Three
The day before the test all you have to do is browse. You already understand the concept and now you just need to make sure you have retained the information. Create your own test and predict what the test is going to be and try answering your own question.Try different types of question and see if you can answer them all. You will know if you are ready to take the test or not.

Good luck!! Hopefully you got a perfect score today.

How to Have the Best Children Party

Children party is always fun to host. You can make a fairy children party,disney party, super mario bros party, a medieval theme party and many more. You can make it colorful and make it a day the kids will never forget in their life.

Things You'll Need
birthday cake
inflatable bouncers
birthday banners

Step One
Make the event colorful by using balloons, banners and flowers. Use lots of red, pink, blue and rainbow color depending on your theme

Step Two
A party with a theme also makes the party great. You can choose from your favorite cartoon character, super heroes use medieval times theme. Decorate your place with lots of character related to your specific themes. Ask visitors to wear costumes or wear some birthday hats. Or you can simply ask the guest to wear specific color for the day of the event.

Step Three
Prepare lots of games and include educational activities like drawing contest, painting contest, singing and dancing. Don’t forget to prepare good prizes to make the kids all excited.

Step Four
It will be nice if you can afford to rent a mini carousel, and inflatable bouncers . If not create a mini doll house or playground for the kids. Use your imagination. It doesn’t need to be expensive to have fun.

Step Five
Include a story telling time with a host or clown and give the kids some time to stop running around.

Step Six
Prepare colorful food, fruit and snacks. Decorate it to catch the children's attention and encourage them to eat. Don’t forget to include finger foods as kids tend to not pay attention with food.

Step Seven
Prepare a candy buffet for the kids and use it as a party souvenir. Leave a small plastic bag with thank you note or a picture,so they can have something to take home.Or you can prepare a bag of party favor for the kids

Step Eight
Prepare a mini bar for the kids with different kinds of drinks and juice. Kids will be tired from running around and will always be thirsty.
Tips & Warnings
Have a blissful party.

Friday, February 6, 2009

How to Come Up With Great Topics to Write about for Ehow or for any other purposes

How to Come Up With Great Topics to Write about for Ehow or for any other purposes
Keep a notebook handy with you all the time. Jot down ideas you stumble every day. I write mine on my cell phone notepad. It’s very handy and I carry it with me everyday.

1. You can write “HOW TO” Topics about everything you are inquisitive about. In our daily lives we always find something that we are eager for knowledge. From a simple things like how to clean, to a more complex ideas like how to build a boat. This is a perfect subject for everyone because you can earn while you learn.

2. Watch TV and while entertaining your self you can write something about remarkable ideas you grasp from the TV. It can be a better way of doing things, or just a simple reaction how to do things your way.

3. Read news. Some article from the news could possibly trigger a good idea to write about.

4. Think about your everyday chores and share with others your tips on how to make daily chores easier or any solution that you discover that can help to get the job done.

5. Cooking is a great topic since plenty of people look for ways how to improve their cuisine. Share your best recipe.

6. We frequently get asked for instructions how to do things. If someone asked you for information, chances are there are other people who might also be interested with the topic.

7. Sometimes a simple conversation with someone, visiting a place, driving, walking or any simple daily activities can trigger great ideas. Jot down whatever that comes across your mind and when you are ready to write browse your notes.

8. Go to and search for how to and it will generate keywords that can tell you how many times a word has been search in a given month.

9. Most of us have given an advice to someone. It could range from solving a crisis in life to preparing big events. Write something about it, this way you can reached more people and other people will benefit from your advice.

10. Have you been successful in a particular field in your life or do you know anyone who made it on top or have great success stories? A lot of people will be interested to find out how to be successful in a particular field.

I hope the ideas are pouring by now. Have fun writing

also published at ehow

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Writing For A Living

Make money by writing is a new thing I come across this year. I have been looking for scheme how to make money at home or wherever I am, and finally I stumble on writing as a means to make income.

I'm still pretty novice with this field. Still a lot of things to learn but I can already put it in picture by now, that this field might be what I've been yearning for.

Hark back to those days where I need to write so many journals every single day for our religion class or values education class. I somewhat enjoy doing it although I hate the fact that I am compel to write.

It’s funny that now that no one is forcing me to write, here I am trying to figure out how to write. I should have known better. I should have realized when I was a student that everything my teacher asked me to do will impinge on my future. If only I gave my very best to everything my teacher asked me to do, I’m perhaps very good at writing at this point. It’s never too late to learn though.

Thus with this blog, I will expatiate with the topic how to make a living by writing. So join me with my quest to learn the potential of making money with writing. I'm sure a lot of people will benefit to my research and who knows someone might be actually successful with what I am about to unfold.